Monday, 17 December 2012

A Short Romance

It rips my soul apart to know he looked upon her with those eyes. Those deadly eyes. Those eyes that steal with hello, and kill with goodbye.

Something Personal

Always protect your identity at all costs. It's one of the few things life will give you for free. Respect this gift.

Something Personal

Just a reminder that you never know what you'll find in life. Secrets will always exist. Knowing of all will never be achievable. This is life.

Reading Reflect #12

Twitter Update
"And so my book begins. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
@Cre8tiveHavoc #RR12"

Reading Reflection #11

Twitter Update.
"Maybe the Hunger Games is what I'll explore next....Maybe ;p
@cre8tiveHavoc #RR11"

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Bucket List

My Bucket List 2012
1. Be in a marathon
2. Own a home theater
3. Adopt an animal in need on my own
4. Learn sign language
5. Be an extra in a huge Hollywood movie
6. Travel somewhere warm for spring break
7. Go treasure hunting somewhere exotic
8. Model for something
9. Have a conversation with Kid Cudi
10. Go to India and learn how to use "Om"
11. Be a yoga instructor
12. Work at a LuLulemon
13. Visit and volunteer at a baby elephant nursery/orphanage
14. Go on a safari
15. Travel around Argentina
16. Travel around Thailand
17. Host a huge celebration
18. Go to a rave
19. Be part of a protest
20. Buy a home
21. Visit Tokyo
22. Try surfing
23. Take singing lessons and preform somewhere public
24. Learn how to say the alphabet backwards really fast
25. Get a 100% in a class
26. Kiss someone famous
27. Learn Italian
28. Play a live handball game in Europe
29. Be close with someone how has an Australian accent
30. Go to Vegas and do something wild....
31. Learn how to pole dance
32. Live out of a suitcase for half a year
33. Go to a live Ellen show
34. Get a pointless tattoo somewhere nobody will see
35. Visit the tallest building in the world and clime it
36. Food tasting around Europe
37. Be on say yes to the dress
38. Do a tour of the Dinners Drive ins and dives restaurants
39.Learn how to get ski
40.¸Have a true love
41. Be a ski bunny for a whole season
42. Learn how to make cloths
43. Write an article in a magazine
44. Spend a year working full time somewhere exotic and warm
45. Paint something beautiful
46. Go to as many amusement parks in a month in the USA as I can
47. Go into the white house
48. Take a helicopter ride
49. Go scuba diving
50. Do something crazy with my hair
51. Donate my hair
52. Visit an underwater domain
53. Be as close as I can to a wild lion
54. Do a mission over in Africa to help others
55. Build a school for those in need
..... To Be Continued

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Writing Reflection #10

                                                                          Twitter Fiction
Over all this project was a challenge that I feel really made my creative side open up and just think on how to pattern a short story, I had fun writing it (even thought at some times it was frustrating). It took some time to get into the groove of writing your own story but after I got rolling it was a new experience that was kind of fun. I did have a hard time on ending my story and having the typical self conflict of writing, should this character die... or live? Another frustration I had was deciding how to pack all this detail into small fragments of writing, eventually you get a hold of how to organize your thoughts in a way that works but it does take lots of time to get there.
Writing this piece of work made me realize I really connect to the books I'm reading at the time. For example I was reading a book called "Go Ask Alice" and this book happens to be about a girl that is exposed to some serious drug that take her into some life changing experiences. My Twitter Fiction just happens to be about a girl struggling with her addiction after rehab, see the connections? I don’t really have a problem with social networks such as Twitter and such, so when it came time to publish some material it wasn’t a big deal for me. as long as I'm proud about my writing I have no problem sharing my thoughts and stories.
I read a lot of other class mates tweets I didn't unfortunately spend a lot of time exploring out the deeper writers of Twitter Fiction, I was already a Twitter user so spending all this time surfing Twitter has been fun and I do feel like it's a creative way of writing. How big Twitter Fiction got on the web really surprised me, but I guess this was because I hadn’t heard of it before this assignment.
Like I mentioned earlier I am a Twitter user on a regular bases so I didn’t really have a huge perspective change on Twitter since I already acknowledged that Twitter is a very interesting way of writing and people really do use it as a personal diary and writing platform.
I would agree if you were responsible enough to keep your Twitter under control, just as our blog it can be used as a way of putting your work out there productively, such as work or school resumes. Twitter is a huge process that can propel us further and further into creative writing.