Thursday, 25 October 2012

Weekly Reflection. #6

Weekly Reflection #6


 Question 1- We talk about how so many of us have a digital footprint. Well I hope that my blog will be a good way for me to put some positive stuff out there on the web about myself. I plan on using this blog to enlighten whoever it may concern about me. After this course I hope to pick it up and start putting more personal things up on my blog. Such as personal pictures, information on what my plans are after high school, information on where I work, what I want to do with myself in life, and what I am doing with myself. This all, I hope, will reflect positively on the person I am, and the person I hope to become. I want to use my blog almost like a journal as well. As I’ve mentioned before I do write quite a bit on my spare time, to showcase this I’ll be posting some of my own poems and such on a regular basses, keeping up with this blog could really help my further in life.

Question 2-    The first comment I posted was on Miranda's blog. The reason why I posted a comment is because, her Rambling Autobiography was touching and deep. It reminded me a lot of mine and that’s what sparked my interest. What she wrote I thought was brave and insightful, to post something like that on the world wide web is no easy feat. My comment was encouraging and I hope it instilled a feeling of pride in her work. The second comment I posted was on Elijah's. His digital foot print doodle was very cool to look at, the color he used was creative and showed the effort he put into his work. I also liked how he used the world as the main idea in the doodle. It leads my brain to start really thinking globally about our digital foot prints and the impact it could have around us because the web is worldwide... and I think sometimes we forget that to easily. Last but not least my third comment I posted happened to be on Sam's blog. I chose another six word memoir to comment on because I can really relate to them. Especially one of Sam’s. Lately with the pressures of graduating it's hard to have a feeling of belonging and you almost crave a sense of security that you know will have to be left behind in a matter of months. It's hard to know where you're going in life, and I think there's already so many different ways life could take you, good or bad. This would create a feeling of being lost which Sam talks about, I relate to this feeling to a T.







Question 3-  I left comments on my friends blogs, my comments consist of positive constructive, motivational comments. I believe all of these are characteristics of a good comment. When people comment on a blog saying "good job" or "this is nice". I truly think this is a comment that moves the readers and writers backwards and not forwards. I like commenting on other peoples blogs! It’s fun to surf through other people’s pictures and posts and sharing compliments and thoughts, I love these projects!


1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see you post more of your own writing (poetry, etc. ) on your blog! What are you waiting for do it . . . now . . go!
