Monday 21 January 2013

Author's Note.

Before I Kick The Bucket

My bucket list. Anyone’s bucket list, it’s an extension of who you are in a sense your last wishes and desires put out there in hopes you’ll be able to achieve them before, grimly your time is up. Anyone’s bucket list is a personal representation of one’s self and I created mine around the idea to inspire. To be something so possible yet so almost un-reachable. The things I want to do are not impossible but motivational in a sense I wouldn’t be able to walk out of my backyard to check most of them of my list, but also they don’t require sneaking onto red carpets to shack hands with celebrities every week. I’m not really sure I stuck to one idea throughout producing my bucket list I have thing that go from travel to Thailand, to spending a whole day in bed. If I was though, to pick one main thought out of most of the things I would like to do before I die, is a sense of helping others, and yes something’s on my bucket list I want to do by myself but I also feel a certain need for companionship that pops up as a reoccurring theme. To display just a fraction of the simpler things I want to do before I kick the bucket, I made and Animoto video! I thought doing this was fun and also really encouraging. It gave me a sense of, “Hey ya I can do that some day!”. So hats off to you Mrs. McLauchlan and thank you for hooking me up with this fantastic site! All in all I think everyone learnt a lot about themselves, and what’s out there after high school which I think is an amazing way to end this semester. It not only put the cool down on what I have to do next in life, but it also showed me that anything is possible as long as you have a little creativity and bravery.

#100 – Follow my dreams and go to Red River for culinary arts.

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