Monday, 21 January 2013

Weekly Reading Reflection #7

Book: Go Ask Alice
Author:Beatrice Sparks
Pages Read: 1 to 192 

I left the house of the scorpion and moved on to bigger better things. The idea of people being grown in the womb of cows and bread to harvest opium was interesting at first but my mind was to unfocused to keep up with this novel, so on to the next one.
I managed to knock of the whole novel Go Ask Alice in a matter of days without forced reading, this meaning it was a very easy read. So unfortunately I'm unable to give you any predictions because... well I'm finished the book. So I'll have to give you a summary and thoughts review. I realized in this book, which was about a teenage girl I'm interested in self conflict books. Not because I have any specific connection to the adolescent drug addicted girl featured in this novel but because going through the ups and downs of a character really makes me want to read more. I didn't mind this book all though it was not one of the most interesting things I've ever picked up and read but it did keep my mind entertained for a few day until I had time to pick up a more serious novel. The Hunger Games.... I'll get to that in another post. I will say though that this book had a lot of unpredicted turns and I didnt find my self asking a lot of questions but I was curious as to what kind of trouble the main character was going to run into next and after all a book that leaves you wanting more is a book well written.

Till Next Time, C

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