Monday, 17 December 2012

A Short Romance

It rips my soul apart to know he looked upon her with those eyes. Those deadly eyes. Those eyes that steal with hello, and kill with goodbye.

Something Personal

Always protect your identity at all costs. It's one of the few things life will give you for free. Respect this gift.

Something Personal

Just a reminder that you never know what you'll find in life. Secrets will always exist. Knowing of all will never be achievable. This is life.

Reading Reflect #12

Twitter Update
"And so my book begins. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
@Cre8tiveHavoc #RR12"

Reading Reflection #11

Twitter Update.
"Maybe the Hunger Games is what I'll explore next....Maybe ;p
@cre8tiveHavoc #RR11"

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Bucket List

My Bucket List 2012
1. Be in a marathon
2. Own a home theater
3. Adopt an animal in need on my own
4. Learn sign language
5. Be an extra in a huge Hollywood movie
6. Travel somewhere warm for spring break
7. Go treasure hunting somewhere exotic
8. Model for something
9. Have a conversation with Kid Cudi
10. Go to India and learn how to use "Om"
11. Be a yoga instructor
12. Work at a LuLulemon
13. Visit and volunteer at a baby elephant nursery/orphanage
14. Go on a safari
15. Travel around Argentina
16. Travel around Thailand
17. Host a huge celebration
18. Go to a rave
19. Be part of a protest
20. Buy a home
21. Visit Tokyo
22. Try surfing
23. Take singing lessons and preform somewhere public
24. Learn how to say the alphabet backwards really fast
25. Get a 100% in a class
26. Kiss someone famous
27. Learn Italian
28. Play a live handball game in Europe
29. Be close with someone how has an Australian accent
30. Go to Vegas and do something wild....
31. Learn how to pole dance
32. Live out of a suitcase for half a year
33. Go to a live Ellen show
34. Get a pointless tattoo somewhere nobody will see
35. Visit the tallest building in the world and clime it
36. Food tasting around Europe
37. Be on say yes to the dress
38. Do a tour of the Dinners Drive ins and dives restaurants
39.Learn how to get ski
40.¸Have a true love
41. Be a ski bunny for a whole season
42. Learn how to make cloths
43. Write an article in a magazine
44. Spend a year working full time somewhere exotic and warm
45. Paint something beautiful
46. Go to as many amusement parks in a month in the USA as I can
47. Go into the white house
48. Take a helicopter ride
49. Go scuba diving
50. Do something crazy with my hair
51. Donate my hair
52. Visit an underwater domain
53. Be as close as I can to a wild lion
54. Do a mission over in Africa to help others
55. Build a school for those in need
..... To Be Continued

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Writing Reflection #10

                                                                          Twitter Fiction
Over all this project was a challenge that I feel really made my creative side open up and just think on how to pattern a short story, I had fun writing it (even thought at some times it was frustrating). It took some time to get into the groove of writing your own story but after I got rolling it was a new experience that was kind of fun. I did have a hard time on ending my story and having the typical self conflict of writing, should this character die... or live? Another frustration I had was deciding how to pack all this detail into small fragments of writing, eventually you get a hold of how to organize your thoughts in a way that works but it does take lots of time to get there.
Writing this piece of work made me realize I really connect to the books I'm reading at the time. For example I was reading a book called "Go Ask Alice" and this book happens to be about a girl that is exposed to some serious drug that take her into some life changing experiences. My Twitter Fiction just happens to be about a girl struggling with her addiction after rehab, see the connections? I don’t really have a problem with social networks such as Twitter and such, so when it came time to publish some material it wasn’t a big deal for me. as long as I'm proud about my writing I have no problem sharing my thoughts and stories.
I read a lot of other class mates tweets I didn't unfortunately spend a lot of time exploring out the deeper writers of Twitter Fiction, I was already a Twitter user so spending all this time surfing Twitter has been fun and I do feel like it's a creative way of writing. How big Twitter Fiction got on the web really surprised me, but I guess this was because I hadn’t heard of it before this assignment.
Like I mentioned earlier I am a Twitter user on a regular bases so I didn’t really have a huge perspective change on Twitter since I already acknowledged that Twitter is a very interesting way of writing and people really do use it as a personal diary and writing platform.
I would agree if you were responsible enough to keep your Twitter under control, just as our blog it can be used as a way of putting your work out there productively, such as work or school resumes. Twitter is a huge process that can propel us further and further into creative writing.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

weekely reflection #5

Weekely reflection.
The character IPhone I chose to do is not really a main character in my book. This person is my main characters body guard though, and his name is Tam-Lin. Every app on the phone has a important role to play in his daily life in being a body guard. such apps as, "Ifit" bodyguard addiction, or oasis finder are just some examples, check out the picture above to see more.
 The back of my characters IPhone isn’t Tam-Lin anymore it is now Maria. She is a care free kid that just enjoys the pretty things in life. I tried to convey that in my drawing.
                                                              Hope you enjoy my drawing

Monday, 19 November 2012

Writing Reflection #9

Twitter Fiction
Twitter Fiction, it's not as easy as it sounds. I have all the 30 tweets that I need but, one of my shorter stories is not done yet, so I'm close to completion. It's kind of morbid but I decided to write stories about self-destruction. I have two main stories, both are about drugs and teenagers, I have no real life connection to the stories though (don't worry). They're both not long but they are stories that have expanded past the "Very Short Stories" stage and never really reached the story length of Russet for example. I wanted to use character development and I think that’s why I was drawn to the story length of somewhere in the middle, I also was having fun using Dialogues to help character growth.  I also plan on adding a few pictures here and there into my tweets, I feel like this will help draw the brain into the story since it will reach out to the readers that are more visual. My only worry as the closing of the project nears is that my second story won’t come together the way I hope, there`s also the lengering problem that some of my tweets might be over 140 characters, so my next challenge is if I can adapt to that and change my writing last minute. I think, other then that it should be smooth sailing from here on.
                                                                        Till Next Time, C.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Something Personal

Something Poetic
This boy
This man took everything I had to offer, he saved me
Made me feel whole in a way I had'nt.
He's perfect, but.
There's a never ending feeling, a feeling in my mind
That craves more, of what?
I couldnt tell you.
This boy
This man, gives me all I should want
Yet I want more.

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Someone is having a harder time getting out of bed on this snowy morning then I. 

Monday, 5 November 2012

Writing Reflection #4

Six Word Memoir Response #2
By the time I finished the project I realized it may seem like and easy project, but in reality it isn’t. Writing a poetic six word story and then taking pictures to back it up to make it easier for the reader was difficult. I still had a blast though, it was fun to challenge myself to a new form of writing and if anything I liked it more then I disliked it. I found writing in a microform style was easy and a challenge and it really opened up a person’s creative side. All though I liked taking pictures and editing them I preferred the text more than the photo part of the assignment.
We can all be creative it just depends if we want to reach deep down and find it ourselves, projects like this really help I think personally in the creative parts of ourselves.

Writing Reflection #3

Six Word Memoir Reflection.
I liked doing this project it was pretty easy, except half way through editing my pictures and such, I lost my phone.... Not very fun. So I had to start editing and taking photos again, which kind of explains the lack of creativity in some of my photo choices.
At first doing my project I took pictures at home by myself, and then I got my friend to help me out with taking pictures. I did a bit of work by myself but I truly feel like this was a group project.
A lot of things were made clear during this project, one apparent one is I like straight forward writing, or if I don’t do that Its most likely a piece of writing that has a deeper meaning or needs to be decoded.
All together I had a blast doing the six word memoir photos!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Monday, 29 October 2012

Reading Reflection #5

The House of the Scorpion #4

Book: The House of The Scorpion


Author: Nancy Farmer


Pages Read: 40-62


The House of The Scorpion


 A lot has happened. I went on a little bit of a reading rampage back at the beginning of the month, and since we haven’t really had time to do any book reflections I’ll try to do the best I can with this one. With everything that’s going on in the book we learn a word, this word is brought several times by younger kids in the book, and each time its in the worst contexts ever, “Ejit”. I predicted this word was obviously bad, my first thought was that it could be some kind of swear word, but then I realized they were referring to something, someone. The next few pages in we have an answer to our prediction. An “ejit” is a dirty word for a clone. With this now in the front of my mind I make a text to text connection. In Harry Potter, they have a dirt word for a none magical person (mudblood), to me this is a connection that helps me understand the significance of the word.

 Much like I predicted before, Matts getting into trouble. The boy learns he loves music, he discovers this by spying on a woman who is playing piano. While spying he hides in a closet, one day Matt was listening to the mesmerizing music and discovers there is a back door to the closet. This leads Matt to a secret passage way that takes him all around the house. As soon as I read the words in front of me warning signals go off in my brain. What kind of trouble is matt going to get into?

 In this novel, there are a lot of names and family connections, for example. A while back we met a character called Mr. Alacran (for now lets just call him Mr. A). Mr. A is married to the woman I mentioned above, the musically gifted one, her name is Felicia. For the past few years Felicia has been very ill, she is always tired and very unsatisfied with her life. Another family connection to Mr. A is his father who is called “El Viejo”. When we are first introduced to this man we learn that he has cancer, knowing this it leads me to a prediction and a question. I believe El Viejo will play a huge part in this book, even though he might not live for very much longer, I have a feeling he will set off an event that will either hurt or help Matt. My question is how?



Till Next Time. C

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Weekly Reflection. #6

Weekly Reflection #6


 Question 1- We talk about how so many of us have a digital footprint. Well I hope that my blog will be a good way for me to put some positive stuff out there on the web about myself. I plan on using this blog to enlighten whoever it may concern about me. After this course I hope to pick it up and start putting more personal things up on my blog. Such as personal pictures, information on what my plans are after high school, information on where I work, what I want to do with myself in life, and what I am doing with myself. This all, I hope, will reflect positively on the person I am, and the person I hope to become. I want to use my blog almost like a journal as well. As I’ve mentioned before I do write quite a bit on my spare time, to showcase this I’ll be posting some of my own poems and such on a regular basses, keeping up with this blog could really help my further in life.

Question 2-    The first comment I posted was on Miranda's blog. The reason why I posted a comment is because, her Rambling Autobiography was touching and deep. It reminded me a lot of mine and that’s what sparked my interest. What she wrote I thought was brave and insightful, to post something like that on the world wide web is no easy feat. My comment was encouraging and I hope it instilled a feeling of pride in her work. The second comment I posted was on Elijah's. His digital foot print doodle was very cool to look at, the color he used was creative and showed the effort he put into his work. I also liked how he used the world as the main idea in the doodle. It leads my brain to start really thinking globally about our digital foot prints and the impact it could have around us because the web is worldwide... and I think sometimes we forget that to easily. Last but not least my third comment I posted happened to be on Sam's blog. I chose another six word memoir to comment on because I can really relate to them. Especially one of Sam’s. Lately with the pressures of graduating it's hard to have a feeling of belonging and you almost crave a sense of security that you know will have to be left behind in a matter of months. It's hard to know where you're going in life, and I think there's already so many different ways life could take you, good or bad. This would create a feeling of being lost which Sam talks about, I relate to this feeling to a T.







Question 3-  I left comments on my friends blogs, my comments consist of positive constructive, motivational comments. I believe all of these are characteristics of a good comment. When people comment on a blog saying "good job" or "this is nice". I truly think this is a comment that moves the readers and writers backwards and not forwards. I like commenting on other peoples blogs! It’s fun to surf through other people’s pictures and posts and sharing compliments and thoughts, I love these projects!


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Six word memoir #6

I love this picture I took it in Italy this year (2012), the colosseum has been around for centuries and still stands tall and beautiful. I was in awh when I saw it. It's been around forever, yet it can be so new to so many people. That's a truly beautiful thing.

Six word memoir #5

In high school all we do is talk. Talk about our feelings, other peoples problems, other peoples flaws, we talk about love as if we know it. We talk so much that when it's silent we feel obligated to talk some more. This to me seems like a falss way of life. Sometimes we all need to learn to be quiet.

Six word memoir #4

This picture represents temptation, and for me I beleive a kiss can make or break you, so to speak. It holds the power to fulfill a need of belonging or crush a persons heart. A kiss can set you free or keep you in a steal cage. Aside from our words, a kiss is the strongest action we can make.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Six word memoir. #3

The true story of this photo is in the words. My whole life growing up I was concerned about portraying a look of perfection. I won't even fully admit it to myself let alone others but, it truly is one of my biggest fears.

Six word memoir. #2

This one is personal. I speak about it because it was a struggle I went through as a younger girl. I truly feel society has a way of breaking down even the strongest person, and being skinny is obviously one of the biggest struggles for a girl. The words in this picture represent the lies I told myself and the feelings I couldn't keep in.

Six word memoir. #1

This one is probably my favorite. I love this picture because its my biggest fear, going nowhere in life and not willing to admit it. I edited this picture so that the words were blurred, and the photo, as a whole was faded. This is symbolic for my feelings and I think it adds true depth to the photo.

The House of The Scorpion #3

Reading Reflection #3



Book: The House of The Scorpion

Author: Nancy Farmer

Pages Read: 40-62


The House of The Scorpion


Continuing on, we meet and learn about so many new characters, but one scene make me curious and want to make a comment, people seem to turn on each other so fast around the “big white house”, which is what we've found out is where a powerful man named El Patron lives and runs the opium fields. id also like to answer this comment. I beleive from what iv read that everyone is scared of this old man. He's in charge and no one would ever diobay him. This would cause people to be intimidated and throw fellow servents, workers, and family members under the bus when trouble comes around.

As I early predicted Matt has gotten into a world of trouble, on his adventure into the new and unfamiliar he manages to get injured and kidnapped. A few pages after this all happens he learn an important piece of information, Matt has been locked up for six months. When he is finally released (I won’t get into details) he is taken to see an old man called El Patron. The depth on which Matt describes him and talks about a weird familiarity he feels around this man leads me to a prediction, El Patron is  somehow related to Matt. The old man and little boy are going to have a deep meaningful relationship in the book.
Continuing on I find an answer to my earlier prediction, Matt does have a strong purpose. He is El Patrons clone! The little boy Matt is also put in charge of El Patrons estate, even though most servents and family around the house ignore him, some are even openly disgused by the little boy (AKA clone). This makes me curious to why everyone has a problem with clones?

The story continues.

Till Next Time.  C

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

The House of The Scorpion #2

Reading Reflection #2



Book: The House of The Scorpion

Author: Nancy Farmer

Pages Read: 21-40

The House of The Scorpion.

Getting further into the book, the story continues. The curious little boy Matt decides to run after his new friend Maria, in this I make a prediction. I believe our friend Matt is about to get into trouble, and this is where our story is going to start.

… We also later on find out Matt is a clone! In this story clones are made for workers (ill make sure to get to that later). The clones are made and their brains are basically fired but, Matt was allowed to keep his brain which leads me to the prediction that Matt has a very strong purpose in this story.

Pg.35, I made a Text to Text (T-T) connection. I’m slowly opening my eyes to this novel and I am realizing this book, and the way it’s written is much like one of my favorite book series, Maximum Ride by James Patterson. There is a strong connection between these two authors and their writing forms.

Till Next Time.   C

Thursday, 13 September 2012


1995, born the second. America was my home,
 torn away from the familiar at 5. Things changed, but I'd do anything to keep my family together.
9 years old and still didn't fit in, hated to learn  till the age of 15.
Writing saved me.
Crashed a car at the age of 16, everything changed.
My dad saved me, Mother protected me, and my Sister helped me to grow.
My family is my life at the age of 17.